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Showing posts from July, 2006

A little thought on AI

For more hands-on articles, please visit my new home of writing at 👉 vocus . In the evolving landscape of AI and large language models (LLMs), the ability to synthesise diverse pieces of knowledge is becoming increasingly crucial. It's no longer just about the information one accumulates but about grasping the underlying concepts that thread this information together into a cohesive, innovative framework.  A pivotal factor here is an individual's comprehension of 'connector words' or key concepts that bridge various domains of knowledge, facilitating groundbreaking insights and developments. In this scenario, learning skills are becoming more vital than ever before. It heralds an opportune moment to carve out one's niche in the AI-dominated future, a time to decide the role one wishes to play in this unfolding narrative.  Do you aspire to be a visionary, harnessing AI's potential to catapult humanity to uncharted territories, perhaps even fostering space colo...


難得一部優質的八點檔電視劇, 導演 易智言 原著 侯文詠, 討論的是教育的議題, 影片氛圍相當具有易導演的風格,淡淡的 緩慢的  但就是可以在心裡留下痕跡, 不是說教 不是嚴肅 甚至偶爾慧詰地令人一笑, 但就是會讓人開始思考, 大家都當過國中生, 有的人安安靜靜的走過, 有人大風大浪的越過, 相信當時的交叉點決定了現在的幾分模樣, 片中主角謝政傑原本也跟隨著身邊人所有人的步伐, 過著以分數及好學校為目標的生活,直到沈韋、高偉琦、艾莉的出現, 開始了一段冒險旅程, 我相信 不管是大人, 還是 這些成長中的大人, 都能感受到一些觸動我覺得謝政傑幸運的是, 還有願意關心、支持與相信他的父母,這真的很重要, 有很多走偏路的人, 至少我的經驗裡, 都缺少了這部份, 厭倦了病態媒體與愛拖戲八點檔, 還有檯面下演的比八點檔還驚心動魄、慘不忍睹的政治新聞, 只有王建民還有"危險心靈" 至少還讓我願意轉開電視......... 相關訊息及圖片來源公視危險心靈網站