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Showing posts from September, 2006

A little thought on AI

For more hands-on articles, please visit my new home of writing at 👉 vocus . In the evolving landscape of AI and large language models (LLMs), the ability to synthesise diverse pieces of knowledge is becoming increasingly crucial. It's no longer just about the information one accumulates but about grasping the underlying concepts that thread this information together into a cohesive, innovative framework.  A pivotal factor here is an individual's comprehension of 'connector words' or key concepts that bridge various domains of knowledge, facilitating groundbreaking insights and developments. In this scenario, learning skills are becoming more vital than ever before. It heralds an opportune moment to carve out one's niche in the AI-dominated future, a time to decide the role one wishes to play in this unfolding narrative.  Do you aspire to be a visionary, harnessing AI's potential to catapult humanity to uncharted territories, perhaps even fostering space colo


55mm Micro-NIKKOR都快貼近拍了,居然還不會飛走, 所以我想,牠應該很想把倩影留在敝站吧, 雖然,我很少想拍這種自然小動物.... 這幾天因為案子也跑了不少地方, 雖然明知人有百百種,親眼看見這些百百種,心裡倒也幾分悻悻然, 一位成功的企業家或經營者,理應具有更寬廣的心胸與涵養, 尤其,又是自栩為所謂高格調階層的人, 剛剛恰好遇到二種完全不同氣度的成功老闆, 一位虛懷若谷充滿活力與創意,一位自以為是笑面虎來轉世, 反正她自認錢賺的夠多,眼界又廣,品質雖是要求的盡善盡美, 如果對人沒有幾分誠心,就算錢賺的多,經營多有品質, 在一眼看穿之際,也只會讓人想快快閃開, 自己在心裡共勉之。