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Showing posts with the label Reading

A little thought on AI

For more hands-on articles, please visit my new home of writing at 👉 vocus . In the evolving landscape of AI and large language models (LLMs), the ability to synthesise diverse pieces of knowledge is becoming increasingly crucial. It's no longer just about the information one accumulates but about grasping the underlying concepts that thread this information together into a cohesive, innovative framework.  A pivotal factor here is an individual's comprehension of 'connector words' or key concepts that bridge various domains of knowledge, facilitating groundbreaking insights and developments. In this scenario, learning skills are becoming more vital than ever before. It heralds an opportune moment to carve out one's niche in the AI-dominated future, a time to decide the role one wishes to play in this unfolding narrative.  Do you aspire to be a visionary, harnessing AI's potential to catapult humanity to uncharted territories, perhaps even fostering space colo...

My booklist in July

Photo was taken from Deutsches Museum I guess it's unusual to see a new article here, the thing is, I got a mail from google analytics, and the report showed me how many readers passed by last month. Meanwhile, I've just enumerated some books I want to read from a thread on Quora that I think it's very interesting; as a result, they're reasons why this post comes up.


最近看了這本書,也許是許多的事件的聯合效應, 引起我許多的想法...... 其實早該寫了,但不知為什麼寫不出來, 經過公視記錄觀點的“62年與6200哩之間“, 經過326,經過媒體喧譁的八卦新聞,經過破冰團, 經過教宗過世..終於............ Marjane Satrapi(瑪贊莎塔碧)是本書的作者, 她從小在依朗的Rasht長大, 藉由當時年紀小的角度來陳述 身邊周遭認識的人在自己當時社會環境中的故事, 簡單的線條色塊卻把喜、怒、哀、樂,表達的淋漓盡致, 印象最深刻的是安息日這一篇, 當導彈摧毀BABA-LEVY的房子時(作者父母的朋友), 作者看到一隻綠寶石手鐲,那是NEDA(作者玩伴)的, 是她姑姑送給她的14歲生日禮物, 但是.....在一堆殘破的屋瓦底下, 卻發現手鐲依然連在............................................ 戰爭是殘酷的,這對年紀稚嫩的心靈產生了多少震撼∼∼∼ “62年與6200哩之間“是張文馨記錄阿媽的故事, 剛開始只是被她外國腔中文所吸引, 仔細看被中間某些片段用FILM拍攝的畫面引起興趣, 最後才發現這是跟台灣政治歷史有關的記錄... 每次提起228時,不知道每個人想到的是什麼, 我想很多人跟我一樣,只是知道那是一次死傷眾多的歷史, 就算看到了當時照片,也沒有太多感受..... 更何況,那都是多久的事了......... 但是,那些都是台灣走過的痕跡啊∼∼ 現在的人多幸福,多少人為台灣歷史留下記錄, 隨手一翻就可以找到資料,各種觀點還可以任君挑選.... 我只是覺得這些東西應該或多或少去了解它, 就像“我在伊朗長大“作者說得一樣, 「不希望人們忘記那些為了捍衛自由而在獄中失去的性命、 在戰爭中喪生、在各種暴政統治下遭受折磨, 或被迫離開親人和祖國的伊朗人。人可以原諒,但不應該忘記。」 也許這篇寫的沒頭沒尾的, 複雜的情緒加上近日的計畫也顯得心思煩躁, 我想是因為這2本書加上一部透過外國人眼光 輕描淡寫卻富有意義的片子使然, 如果不介意的話,也許你也可以把這2項元素加加看.......... 有關“62年與6200哩之間“請至 公視記錄觀點