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Showing posts from August, 2006

A little thought on AI

For more hands-on articles, please visit my new home of writing at 👉 vocus . In the evolving landscape of AI and large language models (LLMs), the ability to synthesise diverse pieces of knowledge is becoming increasingly crucial. It's no longer just about the information one accumulates but about grasping the underlying concepts that thread this information together into a cohesive, innovative framework.  A pivotal factor here is an individual's comprehension of 'connector words' or key concepts that bridge various domains of knowledge, facilitating groundbreaking insights and developments. In this scenario, learning skills are becoming more vital than ever before. It heralds an opportune moment to carve out one's niche in the AI-dominated future, a time to decide the role one wishes to play in this unfolding narrative.  Do you aspire to be a visionary, harnessing AI's potential to catapult humanity to uncharted territories, perhaps even fostering space colo...

土地之歌 小玉西瓜篇

夏天最令人期待的,除了熱力海邊,就是黃澄澄的小玉西瓜了, 帶點透明感的金黃色澤,總令我心情非常暢快, 反之 一般人愛吃的紅色"沙沙"西瓜,倒沒那麼愛.... 我承認 一開始完全是被小玉西瓜吸引,還送了一包4顆的小玉種子, 真是太可愛了,怎麼不心動呢.. 這張名為土地之歌地專輯,收錄17位母語音樂創作者的作品, 包含原住民語、河洛語與客家語, (裡頭有2張CD,照片裡只入鏡一張) 角頭巧妙的將這股原汁原味、與很視覺的小玉西瓜, 涼拌成了夏天一道清爽的沙拉, 塞在車外46度的台北車陣裡聆聽,竟有些許感動, 雖然,心裡仍妄想著來杯啤酒配沙拉...... 我的名字(原住民語)主唱:舒麥‧卡照 我原來是個平凡的女生 離鄉背井默默的在城裡討生活 日復一日 過著一成不變的日子 毎當人家問我請問芳名 我說我叫邱莉娟 從來不知道自己有個真正的名字 有一年冬天在老家火堆旁聽講古 微光中傳說著那美麗而遙遠的故事 媽媽說我有個族名  是來自阿嬤  並且告訴我那尊貴名字的涵義 從此揭開了我今生珍貴的謎  我才知道自己有多特別 舒麥‧卡照 舒麥‧卡照 豐碩的稻穗 甜美的果實 我真正的名字 舒麥‧卡照 舒麥‧卡照 勇敢的象徵 守望的精神 我內在的力量 我慶幸能擁有它 舒麥‧卡照 舒麥‧卡照 一個全新的我 沒有了恐懼 不再有自卑 舒麥‧卡照 舒麥‧卡照 一個亮麗的我 充滿著自信  勇敢的向前謝謝你阿嬤 角頭土地之歌網站