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Showing posts from February, 2009

A little thought on AI

For more hands-on articles, please visit my new home of writing at 👉 vocus . In the evolving landscape of AI and large language models (LLMs), the ability to synthesise diverse pieces of knowledge is becoming increasingly crucial. It's no longer just about the information one accumulates but about grasping the underlying concepts that thread this information together into a cohesive, innovative framework.  A pivotal factor here is an individual's comprehension of 'connector words' or key concepts that bridge various domains of knowledge, facilitating groundbreaking insights and developments. In this scenario, learning skills are becoming more vital than ever before. It heralds an opportune moment to carve out one's niche in the AI-dominated future, a time to decide the role one wishes to play in this unfolding narrative.  Do you aspire to be a visionary, harnessing AI's potential to catapult humanity to uncharted territories, perhaps even fostering space colo...


這是累積了一個冬天該作的事之一,還好春天來了,要開始一件件來完成。睽別十年,再一次興起手工沖片的想法,主要是常聽到最近許多朋友的底片都被相館給沖壞;數位當道玩底片的人少了,相館的藥水放置過久不新鮮,底片上不是出現雜質不然就是有怪異的拖拉痕跡,慘不忍睹也沒有地方索賠;其二是剛好借了一台M6,一時手癢,也算是為這個過程做一個紀錄。 好,很快的切入正題。先來介紹工具。