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Showing posts from October, 2013

A little thought on AI

For more hands-on articles, please visit my new home of writing at 👉 vocus . In the evolving landscape of AI and large language models (LLMs), the ability to synthesise diverse pieces of knowledge is becoming increasingly crucial. It's no longer just about the information one accumulates but about grasping the underlying concepts that thread this information together into a cohesive, innovative framework.  A pivotal factor here is an individual's comprehension of 'connector words' or key concepts that bridge various domains of knowledge, facilitating groundbreaking insights and developments. In this scenario, learning skills are becoming more vital than ever before. It heralds an opportune moment to carve out one's niche in the AI-dominated future, a time to decide the role one wishes to play in this unfolding narrative.  Do you aspire to be a visionary, harnessing AI's potential to catapult humanity to uncharted territories, perhaps even fostering space colo...

Trip to Seoul

這趟的首爾小旅行走的相當隨性,出發前一晚才抱著借來的和自己買的幾本旅遊書,規劃出暫定的行程,主要也是近來工作相當忙碌,根本沒時間想這件事。後來因為出發前一天整晚沒睡,結果第二天睡過頭,行程也作了若干調整。 稍微記錄一下行程,順便把調整後也一併附上 Day 1  Scoot - ShinShin Hotel Day 2   安惠站一帶— 黎大、新村— 首爾塔   安惠站-明洞 景點:梨花壁畫村、10x10精品⽂文具、Arko藝術劇場、Dongsoong Art Center、駱⼭公園、馬羅尼埃公園、 梨花⼤大學 吃:一起 (韓定⻝⾷食)、鳳雛安東雞、 元奶奶菜⾁肉包、春川雞、加味小吃、陳元祖一隻雞    全 州中央會館( 전주중앙회관) 、明洞餃子 Day 3   Heyri Art Village -   景福宮附近Art Gallery-清溪川附近- 首爾塔 吃 : ttokssam时代 (糕⼭山時代)-鐘路小吃攤  、Dinehall Breakfast、cafe between、土俗村參雞湯、MMMG Cafe、 Day 4  首爾美術館 -明洞   -貞洞路- lotte-機場巴士 食: 明洞餃⼦ 、 全 州中央會館( 전주중앙회관) 、 冷面、飯卷   

Yesterday I bought some flowers